Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Evening #5 - Reading - a complex process.

The assistive technology features that I chose to share at the beginning of the class were 


Cruxlight - This is also available in google chrome and is helpful in summarizing key information from an article.


Readablity available on Google Chrome.  It is very helpful for students who are distracted easily or have difficulty focusing on the main text within a website.  

Update on Aidan:  He continues to use eye gaze software to facilitate communication.  In the video update, he was pulling his EA’s hand to facilitate communication as well.  

In music, using his eye gaze software he was able to make birds sing.  

In phys ed, Aidan was able to hold a baseball bat and use a walker as well.
Update on Carter:  Carter was demonstrating his ability to fly through the hallway with his motorized wheelchair.  

These updates demonstrated various aspect of their lives and the gains they have made in numerous areas.

Social competency
Chance to participate with others.

The Reading Process (screen shots from class presentation - B. Welsford)

Task analysis on a passage from Hatchet.

In being asked to do a task analysis of the process we were using to read the passage from Hatchet, I think many people, including myself, interpreted it to mean reading this passage in isolation.  

I immediately began writing down step by step what I was doing as an experienced reader.

  1. Scanning the text for a general feeling of the passage and clues to assist comprehension.
  2. While reading, I began to visualize to assist comprehension as well.
  3. I made connections to prior knowledge - again to improve comprehension.
  4. Certain sentences had to be re-read for clarification.
  5. After reading, I questioned to nurture a deeper understanding.

    As a group, in a guided discussion afterwards, we began discussing Compensatory and Remediation strategies in reading.

    The question was posed:  When do we move from Reading Remediation to Compensatory?

    In order to assess this we must properly and accurately identify where students are struggling.  In order to do this, we need to have a deep understanding of the reading process - which begins with our first exposure to books, literacy and reading.

    Several things to consider:

    1- Emotional connection with reading. Was reading a positive experience? 

    2. Were the children always engaged?

    3. Were children attending to task? This in itself depends on a variety of factors.
    Is the frontal lobe activated?
    Is executive functioning engaged?
    Are the children emotionally engage?
    Are they focused (have they had a good dinner - not hungry)
    Are they not on any medication.
    Do they have the desire to read?
    Are they motivated to read?
    Proprioception - tactile engaged (Are they holding the book properly and aware of where
    they are)

    4. If all of the above are working appropriately, then the visual processing can begin involving:  
    Visual tracking & processing
    Eye control & muscle control
    Efficient visual processing

    All of these take place prior to the beginning of decoding.

    5. Then we move to sound awareness & phonemic awareness.
    Developing auditory processing skills 
    Then moving to mapping onto letters giving meaning to letters.
    Automaticity - committing phoneme awareness to long term memory.
    Predicting sounds will follow.  

    In order for reading to occur, all of these processes must be working simultaneously.
    The following videos helped understand the complexities of each individual organ that are necessary to facilitate the reading process.

How the Eye Works
 How we Hear

For the last part of the evening we were presented with a variety of apps specific to iPad, android as well as Mac/PC/Online extensions. These addressed both reading remediation as well as compensatory applications for the reading process.


Montessori crossword  (3.99)
Book Creator (comics and universally designed
Signed Stories
Tumblebooks (Halifax Regional Library)
Storyline Online

The necessity of compensatory strategies usually surfaces towards the end of grade 3, beginning of grade 4 when reading demands change significantly.

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